Key to Art History

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Impressionism Critical Thinking

Early in the 19th century, a technology was created that had a profound impact on artists- the camera. Before the invention of the camera, artists were the only individuals with the skill and training to capture images for posterity. But, with the invention of photography, a sizable share of their market disappeared. Some artists began to use photography in much the same way that their predecessors used the camera obscura. Others exploited an area where photography was still in its infancy, color. Other artists abandoned making representational images altogether.

The invention of photography "democratized" picture making in the same way that the invention of the printing press "democratized" literacy and the invention of the keyboard "democratized" music. All of these skills were once the domain of a relatively small number of people. But each of these inventions made it possible for the masses to acquire the necessary skills to perform music, make pictures or enjoy literature.

Technology has dramatically affected the lives of artists. How has modern technology affected our creative lives? What artistic jobs have been lost to technology? What artistic jobs have been created? How has the art of the "present" been affected by technology? People who oppose technology in any form were once known as Luddites. Do you think they had a legitimate point of view?

[ Impressionism Overview ] Impressionism Things to Know ] Impressionism Questions ] [ Impressionism Critical Thinking ]

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