Key to Art History

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20th Century Critical Thinking

Two terms are commonly used to describe art in this century: Modern and Contemporary. Contemporary art is art that is being produced now, while Modern art is art that reflects the newest, most advanced, or "avant-garde" ideas. A work of art can be contemporary but not modern if it reflects an older idea. If art of an older era can be said to contain elements that are considered new and innovative, then that art could be modern but not contemporary.

What, in your view, is today's modern art? Television? Film? Video? Tag art? Or is it something else? How does the modern art you see connect to past artists?

Jackson Pollock and Wasily Kandinsky lived respectively in the United States and Russia. Their art developed a half century apart from dramatically differing cultures and artistic influences. Yet their work has much in common.

Describe how they are similar. If you believe there are important differences, describe them.

[ 20th Century Overview ] 20th Century Things to Know ] 20th Century Questions ] [ 20th Century Critical Thinking ]

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