Texas Overview


1Texas employs more people in this industry than any other state (6)
5preserving natural resources from harm (12)
8vast (4)
9_______ Plains: also known as Llano Estacado (4)
11state capital (6)
13local laws (10)
15found mainly in East Texas (7)
16to control using rules (8)
19mbranch of government that makes the laws (11)
20_______ Peak: highest point in Texas (9)
21population statistics (12)
23officially approved (8)
26river that forms the border between Texas and Oklahoma (3)
27fairly dry climate (8)
29head of executive branch (8)
31branch of government that enforces the laws and provides services (9)
32next to (8)
33river that flows along southern border of Texas (9)


1city or town (9)
2the development of large scale business (17)
3rivers that flow into a larger river (11)
4largest city in Texas (7)
5Texas has 254 of these (8)
6a racial or cultural characteristic (6)
7_______ Plains: east and south Texas region (7)
10Texas is known at the _____ _____ State. (8)
12fastest growing minority group in Texas (8)
14industry sector that is Texas' largest employer (8)
15principle of government in which states give certain powers to a central authority (10)
17______ Lake: largest natural lake in Texas (5)
18abundant mineral resource in Texas (9)
22pertaining to citizenship (5)
23________ Commission: regulates production of oil (8)
24an extreme lack of moisture (7)
25branch of government that interprets the laws (8)
28Texas rank in state size (6)
29_______ Plains: northwest and central western Texas region (5)
30an official act to stop a bill from becoming law (4)

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