

2Richard _________: became governor after Governor Coke resigned (7)
8Lynn ________: drilled first oil well in Texas (6)
9laws passed that segregated the races (7)
10Henry _______: black graduate of the U.S. Military Academy who served with the Buffalo Soldiers (7)
11______ ______ Canyon: Comanches suffered defeat at this battle (8)
12cattle trail from Texas to Kansas (8)
14a mass departure (6)
16a point of view (11)
19opposed to change (12)
25looked at in an unrealistic way (12)
27explosive (8)
29an occupant of property owned by another (6)
30type of cattle brought to Texas by Spaniards (8)
31reached an agreement (10)


1J.S. _________: built first large commercial oil refinery in Texas (8)
3invention that allowed range land to be fenced cheaply (10)
4animal important to lifestyle of Plains Indians (7)
5business that have sole control of an industry (10)
6J.R. ________: prominent black member of the Populist party (6)
7Apache Chief who was killed by Mexicans (8)
13Ranald _________: led raids against Indians who refused to live on reservations (9)
15killing off a large number (10)
17John ________: gave up a Senate seat to become chairman of the Railroad Commission (6)
18also called the People's Party (8)
20kept separate because of race (11)
21freely moved from place to place (6)
22to supply water using ditches (10)
23opposing monopolies (9)
24included (9)
26to intensify (8)
27Mexican cowboys (8)
28James _______: governor who pressured legislature to create the Railroad Commission (4)

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