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Correlations with Oklahoma Academic Standards

The Foundation, Formation, and Transformation of Oklahoma

In Oklahoma History and Government, the student will examine the people and events that have formed and transformed the landscape and cultures of the place and peoples that have become Oklahoma. The student will examine important political and ideological movements, as well as economic, cultural, and political accomplishments of state, national, and world significance. The learning of Oklahoma History and Government should lead students to link Oklahoma�s history to local, national, and global contexts.

Content Standard 1: The student will describe the state�s geography and the historic foundations laid by Native American, European, and American cultures.

Correlation Location Standards

Geography, Demographics & Economics, Student Activities � Overview #1

1.1. Integrate visual information to identify and describe the significant physical and human features including major trails, railway lines, waterways, cities, ecological regions, natural resources, highways, and landforms.

Early Peoples an Indian Civilizations, Student Activities � Prehistory #2

1.2. Summarize the accomplishments of prehistoric cultures including the Spiro Mound Builders

European Explorers, American Exploration, Early Indian Emigration

1.3. Compare the goals and significance of early Spanish, French, and American interactions with American Indian, including trade, the impact of disease, the arrival of the horse, and new technologies.

Early Indian Emigration

1.4. Compare cultural perspectives of American Indians and European Americans regarding land ownership, structure of government, and trading practices.

Content Standard 2: The student will evaluate the major political and economic events that transformed the land and its people from early contact through Indian Removal and its aftermath.

Correlation Location Standards
American Exploration, Student Activities � Oklahoma: Part of the United States, #3 2.1. Summarize and analyze the role of river transportation to early trade and mercantile settlements including Chouteau�s Trading Post at Three Forks.
>Historic Forts & Routes 2.2. Describe the major trading and peacekeeping goals of early military posts including Fort Gibson.

Early Indian Emigration, Student Activities � Oklahoma: Part of the United States #2
2.3. Analyze the motivations for removal of American Indians and the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830; trace the forced removal of American Indian nations, including the impact on the tribal nations removed to present-day Oklahoma and tribal resistance to the forced relocations.
Destruction of the Plains Tribes, The Drive for Statehood 2.4. Describe the consequences of Indian Removal on intertribal relationships with western nations, such as the Osage, Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne and Arapaho.

Content Standard 3: The student will evaluate the major political and economic events that transformed the land and its people from the outbreak of the Civil War through allotment and land openings.

Correlation Location Standards
Indian Loyalties & the Civil War, Destruction of the Plains Tribes, Drive for Statehood 3.1 Summarize the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction Treaties on American Indian peoples, territories, and tribal sovereignty including:
A. required enrollment of the Freedmen
B. Second Indian Removal
C. significance of the Massacre at the Washita
D. reasons for the reservation system and the controversy regarding the reservation system as opposed to tribal lands.
E. establishment of the western military posts including the role of the Buffalo Soldiers
F. construction of railroads through Indian Territory
A Lawless Era and Cattle Drives, Reconstruction, Railroads and Economic Development 3.2. Assess the impact of the cattle and coal mining industries on the location of railroad lines, transportation routes, and the development of communities.
Reconstruction, Railroads and Economic Development,
American Migration and the Boomers
3.3 Analyze the influence of the idea of Manifest Destiny on the Boomer Movement.
The Land Run of �89, The Drive for Statehood 3.4 Compare multiple points of view to evaluate the impact of the Dawes Act (General Allotment Act) which resulted in the loss of tribal communal lands through a transfer to individual property and the redistribution of lands, including the Unassigned Lands and the Cherokee Outlet, by various means.
Destruction of the Plains Tribes, The Land run of �89, Student Activities � Continuing Americanization of Oklahoma, #3 3.5 Explain how American Indian nations lost control over tribal identity and citizenship through congressional action, including the Indian Reorganization Act.

Content Standard 4: The student will analyze the formation of constitutional government in Oklahoma.

Correlation Location Standards
The Drive for Statehood 4.1. Compare the governments among the American Indian nations and the movement for the state of Sequoyah.
The Land run of �89 4.2 Describe the proposal for an all-black state advocated by Edward McCabe.
The Drive for Statehood 4.3 Explain the impact of the Enabling Act on single statehood.
The Land Run of �89, The Drive for Statehood, Early Statehood Government 4.4 Describe and summarize attempts to create a state constitution joining Indian and Oklahoma Territories including the impact of the Progressive and Labor Movements resulting in statehood on November 16,1907.
Oklahoma Government, Student Activities � Overview #3 4.5 Compare Oklahoma�s state government to the United States� national system of government including the branches of government, their functions, and powers.
Oklahoma Government 4.6 Describe the division, function, and sharing of powers among levels of government including city, county, state and tribal.
Oklahoma Government 4.7 Identify major sources of local and state revenues and the services provided including education, health and human services, transportation, courts, corrections, and public safety
Oklahoma Government 4.8 Describe state constitutional provisions including the direct primary, initiative petition, referendum, and recall.

Content Standard 5: The student will examine the Oklahoma�s political, social, cultural, and economic transformation during the early decades following statehood .

Correlation Location Standards
Early Statehood Government, Oklahoma in the 1920s, Student Activities � Continuing Americanization of Oklahoma, #3 5.1. Examine the policies of the United States and their effects on American Indian identity, culture, economy, tribal government and sovereignty including:
A. passage of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
B. effects of the federal policy of assimilation including Indian boarding schools (1880s-1940s)
C. authority to select tribal leaders as opposed to appointment by the federal government
D. exploitation of American Indian resources, lands, trust accounts, head rights, and guardianship as required by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Early Statehood Government, Oklahoma in the 1920s 5.2. Examine multiple points of view regarding the evolution of race relations in Oklahoma, including:
A. growth of all-black towns (1865-1920)
B. passage of Senate Bill 1 establishing Jim Crow Laws
C. rise of the Ku Klux Klan
D. emergence of �Black Wall Street� in the Greenwood District
E. causes of the Tulsa Race Riot and its continued social and economic impact.
F. the role labels play in understanding historic events, for example �riot� versus �massacre�
World War I, Student Activities � Oklahoma in the Earl 20th Century, #3 5.3. Analyze how various segments of Oklahoma society including agriculture, mining, and state politics were influenced by the organized labor and socialist movements.
Economic Development in the Early 1900s, Oklahoma in the 1920s, Oklahoma Politics and the New Deal, Railroads and Economic Development 5.4. Examine how the economic cycles of boom and bust of the oil industry affected major sectors of employment, mining, and the subsequent development of communities, as well as the role of entrepreneurs, including J.J. McAlester, Frank Phillips, E.W. Marland and Robert S. Kerr, and the designation of Tulsa as the �Oil Capital of the World�.
Oklahoma in the 1920s 5.5. Evaluate the impact of the boom and bust cycle of Oklahoma�s agricultural production due to mechanization and the needs of World War I, including its effect as a precursor of the Great Depression.
Oklahoma Politics and the Great Depression 5.6 Analyze William H. �Alfalfa Bill� Murray�s response to the conditions created by the Great Depression.
The Great Depression and the New Deal, Student Activities � Oklahoma and Hard Times, #1 & #2 6. Describe the impact of environmental conditions and human mismanagement of resources resulting in the Dust Bowl and the migration of the �Okies�, the national perceptions of Oklahomans, and the New Deal policies regarding conservation of natural resources.
Religion and Arts in Oklahoma 7. Describe the contributions of Oklahomans including African-American jazz musicians, the political and social commentaries of Will Rogers and Woody Guthrie�s, Wiley Post�s aviation milestones, and the artwork of the Kiowa Six

World War II 8. Summarize and analyze the impact of mobilization for World War II including the establishment of military bases, prisoner of war installations, and the contributions of Oklahomans to the war effort including the American Indian code talkers and the 45th Infantry Division

Content Standard 6: The student will investigate how post-war social, political, and economic events continued to transform the state of Oklahoma from the 1950s through the present.

Correlation Location Standards
The Civil Rights Movement 6.1. Evaluate the progress of race relations and actions of civil disobedience in the state including:
A. judicial interpretation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment which ultimately resulted in the desegregation of public facilities and public schools and universities
B. landmark Supreme Court cases of Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma (1948) and McLaurin v. Oklahoma Board of Regents for Higher Education (1950)
C. lunch counter sit-ins organized by Clara Luper and the NAACP D. leadership of Governor Gary in the peaceful integration of the public common and higher education systems.
Economic Developments of the Early 1920s, Developments after World War II, Geography 6.2. Analyze the impact of economic growth in various sectors including:
A. impact of rural to urban migration
B. development of wind, water, and timber resources
C. continuing role of agriculture
D. emergence of tourism as an industry
E. development of the aerospace and aviation industry including the FAA and the influence of weather research on national disaster preparedness
F. oil and gas boom and bust, including the discovery of new fossil fuel resources
G. improvement of the state�s transportation infrastructures, such as the interstate highway system and the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System.
Religion and Arts in Oklahoma 6.3. Describe the artistic contributions of Oklahomans in the fields of music, art, literature, theater, and dance such as Ralph Ellison and the Five Indian Ballerinas.
Political and Economic Trends 6.4. Summarize the impact of individual Oklahomans� leadership on state and national politics including political realignment.
None 6.5. Analyze the evolving relationship between state and tribal governments impacting tribal self-determination and control over American Indian lands and resources including issues of jurisdiction, taxation, and gaming.
Demographic and Economic Information 6.6. Examine the migrations of major cultural and ethnic groups, including Asians, African Americans, American Indians, and Latinos to the state of Oklahoma and their impact on the social and economic transformation of the modern state of Oklahoma.
Political and Economic Trends 6.7. Analyze the causes and effects of the domestic terrorist attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City including the responses of Oklahomans to the act, concept of the �Oklahoma Standard� and the creation of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum.
None 6.8 Describe the changing perceptions, both internal and external, of the state and its citizens, as reflected in the Grapes of Wrath, the musical Oklahoma!, Route 66, and the professional basketball team the Oklahoma City Thunder.
Oklahoma�s Global Consciousness 6.9 Examine ongoing issues including immigration, criminal justice reform, employment, environmental issues, race relations, civic engagement, and education.

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