Early 20th Century Crossword


1General Roy ________: commander of Oklahoma National Guard units that fought in World War 1 (7)
3president during WW1: Woodrow ________ (6)
5a government department (6)
8an ongoing payment for rights to resources (9)
10a proportional share (5)
13Frank ______: sunk a commercial oil well near Bartlesville (8)
15social centers during WW1 (8)
16an advocate of sharing goods and material wealth equally (9)
19to put into effect (11)
20standardized (15)
24to torment repeatedly (10)
25Lewis ______ struck oil while drilling for water (4)
26a policy of keeping races separate (11)
27development of automobile caused this industry to boom (9)
28supported the war effort at home through their work (5)


2bountiful (5)
4this Amendment gave women the right to vote (10)
6limiting the amount of something (9)
7required (10)
9became known as the "oil capital of the world" (5)
11to act on the basis of prejudice (12)
12an obligation or debt (9)
14Charles _______: first governor of Oklahoma (7)
17______ talkers" - nickname for Choctaw Indians in the Army who used their language to send message (4)
18Kate Bernard worked hard to establish _______ courts (8)
21made into law (7)
22Oklahoma's original state capital (7)
23Good Angel Kate (7)

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