Key to Art History

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The Americas Critical Thinking

Throughout history artists have created and responded to new media as materials for artistic expression. Whether it was Fresco, oil or acrylic paint, artists exploited the possibilities presented by each new medium.

In the last half of the twentieth century, new media again affected the way artists expressed themselves. The motion picture, video technology, silver and digital photography, holography and the wide variety of new building and sculptural materials have all expanded the potential for artistic expression. Or have they? Perhaps the rapid change and development of media has merely caused artists to obsess with the media itself, rather than the content of their work. An example might be a movie with wonderful special effects, but a story that is superficial and empty.

Has art become complex and varied, or merely a superficial expression of the use of new technology?

[ The Americas Overview ] The Americas Things to Know ] The Americas Questions ] [ The Americas Critical Thinking ]

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